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Re: LYNX-DEV lynx -

From: Foteos Macrides
Subject: Re: LYNX-DEV lynx -
Date: Sat, 26 Oct 1996 15:02:05 -0500 (EST)

address@hidden (Sven Guckes) write:
>I am trying to use lynx as a filter to produce a text version of a HTML page.
>"lynx -help" tells me that I can specify the option "-"

        Are you using the word "filter" to mean that you want to OUTput
a rendition of the HTML page as text to stdout (the screen by default,
or an output file to which stdout has been redirected)?  The '-' is
for INput to Lynx.

>       $ lynx -help
>       USAGE: lynx [options] [file]
>       Options are:
>           -                receive the arguments from stdin (enclose
>                            in double-quotes ("-") on VMS)
>       [...]
        Access the "Lynx Users Guide" via the online 'h'elp and read
the more extensive description of '-' in the "The Lynx command line"

>But when I try this I get an error message:
>       $ lynx -dump - < file
>       lynx: Invalid Option: -
>For now I got it working like this:
>       $ lynx -dump file://localhost/`pwd`/file
>But I'd rather use the option "-".
>So - how do I use lynx to dump a HTML page to a file?

        $ lynx -dump URL > output_file

on Unix, or

        $ define/user sys$output output_file
        $ lynx -dump URL
on VMS.


 Foteos Macrides            Worcester Foundation for Biomedical Research
 address@hidden         222 Maple Avenue, Shrewsbury, MA 01545
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