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Re: LYNX-DEV Lynx 2-6RP-color-Mb005

Subject: Re: LYNX-DEV Lynx 2-6RP-color-Mb005
Date: Thu, 24 Oct 96 13:53:00 +0800

Filip M Gieszczykiewicz <address@hidden> wrote:

 F(> Greetings. The subject of this message mentions MB005 (MultiBookmarks
 F(> V0.05) which has SERIOUS BUGS! Please upgrade to MB006:
Sorry. My mistake - I _am_ using MB006. It's just that I followed the
version string in your patch (the hunk which failed) which was Mb005...
which means your patch is actually version Mb006 with Mb005 version
string :) (or at least in the version I downloaded, I'll double check)

 John Lim Eng Hooi [CoSysOp, Cyber City BBS +603-7587400] * ClubWin M'sia
 Email address@hidden Web []
 [ Smile... people will wonder what you've been up to. ]

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