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Re: LYNX-DEV go UP page off of textarea in form

From: Foteos Macrides
Subject: Re: LYNX-DEV go UP page off of textarea in form
Date: Sun, 20 Oct 1996 13:01:39 -0500 (EST)

Nelson Henry Eric <address@hidden> wrote:
>Probably best to give a final report on this old thread.
>The sicks keys above the arrow keys being `dead' was a function
>of my telnet client.  Now that I have `TeraTerm', the keys have
>started working :-). 
>The six keys above the arrow keys on my machine appear to send:
>     Insert: ^[[2~     Home: ^[[4~     PageUp  : ^[[5~
>     Delete: ^[[3~     End : ^[[1~     PageDown: ^[[6~
>(Thanks Ed Doolittle:
>I have gotten Home and End to take me to the top and bottom of
>the current document by uncommenting and modifying the lines:
>KEYMAP:0x10B:HOME         # Go to top of current document
>KEYMAP:0x10A:END          # Go to bottom of current document
>in  You may notice this is the exact opposite of the
>mappings in the distributed lynx.cfg.  No problem with that.  It's
>a great feeling to have lynx work the way it's supposed to.  PageUp
>also works, i.e., it takes me to the top of a form document even
>if I am on a fill-in field.

        Those two keys in the six key cluster are properly named
"Find" and "Select", not "Home" and "End" as on the IBM enhanced
keyboards, and perhaps you have a reversal of Find and Select
somewhere, such that you need to re-reverse in Lynx.  Note that
what is labelled "Delete" in that cluster on IBM enhanced keyboards
is properly labeled "Remove".  (By "proper" I mean the formal VTxxx
names, and the corresponding labeling on the DEC LK250 keyboards
which originally used them via ^[[1~ - ^[[6~ sequences.  Note also
that the IBM "<-Backspace" is the VTxxx "Delete", in contrast to
"Remove", and both are different from Control-H.)


 Foteos Macrides            Worcester Foundation for Biomedical Research
 address@hidden         222 Maple Avenue, Shrewsbury, MA 01545
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