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Re: [lwip-devel] Mercurial

From: Alain M.
Subject: Re: [lwip-devel] Mercurial
Date: Tue, 16 Dec 2008 13:27:49 -0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20080914)

Although Linus Torvalds' words carry some weight, context is important
too. Perhaps, he meant to say that Mercurial would be 'not too bad'
for the Linux development model.
I think that what got lost here is the main reason why Linus dropped Mercurial as an alternative: relyability and stability, bothe refering to the possibility of loosing you data... (even that his evaluation is of an old version)

That is one thing that scares me, I don't know about you...

Another important aspect important for embedded: do they have Eclipse integration? This is rapidly becoming the most used tool for ARM/Cortex, which is becoming a very important slice of the embeded world...

PS my own opinion: "if it aint broken, don't fix it" I believe that the git alternative will grow a lot in he next year (or not), and that will make the decision simpler.

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