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Re: Again - lout on Linux

From: Matej Cepl
Subject: Re: Again - lout on Linux
Date: Sat, 1 Apr 2000 22:00:35 +0200

On 27 Feb 00, at 1:03, Valeriy E. Ushakov wrote:

> See attached message.  It speaks about "Polish" fonts but that's
> almost complete Latin2 (missing hungarian double acute vowels I
> guess).

It seems to me, that these fonts miss not only some hungarian 
characters but everything except of polish ones :-) For example, 
there is not rcaron (probably usefull in Czech only -- try to 
pronounce letter "r" with teeth shut; I have heard, that such letter is 
used only in Czech and in some Indian languages :-). Enclosed to 
this mail is also file il2.enc with complete ISO 8859-2 codes (from 
cstocs translation utility -- see on 
ftp://ftp.fi.muni.cz/pub/UNIX/localization/charsets/ for more info).

I shall probably try TeX's CS fonts (which should be ISO 8859-2 
version of Computer Modern fonts), but trouble is that I shall 
probably have to switch to original Type1 Computer Modern fonts 
for English texts as well (ones from Mr. Malyshev -- isn't he Russian 
too? It seems to me that everything good in my typohgraphy comes 
from Russia :-) Surprise, surprise!). That's life.

Three less important questions:

What does it mean "not in the scope"? I am trying to develop my 
letter style (to begin, something very similiar to LaTeXs letter class --
 why there is not something similiar included in lout's distribution still 
puzzles me, besides all explanations from you and Jeff). OK I 
prepared attached documents shattuck.lt and mydefs* (do not worry 
for me -- if the lout would not work for me, I have tried the same 
with LaTeX, and it is OK, so I would be able to get in USA even 
clueless!), but it doesn't work. With mydefs, it cries that @DP is not 
known. When I change

import @BasicSetup


import @DocumentSetup

to get hopefully more symbols, lout breaks with "@DocumentSetup 
not in scope". I have no idea what's up and despite you advice 
("Trust error messages"), I am clueless as what to do.

The second question is concerned with (attached) outline for 
resume (again, to be sure LaTeX version is ready, but there is still a 
lot of work to be done with content, so I am not in hurry). How do I 
finely fiddle with layout (I am afraid, that in resume standard report 
style would not be enough :-)? I mean things like 0.5p bigger gap 
before this (not every one, just this) paragraph, slightly bigger 
indentation, etc.

The last question is concerned with overstriking. How to do it? It is 
important both for myself (I am a lawyer, so I would need to 
readline deleted text in revisions fo contract) and for my wife who is 
a linguist working on ellipsis in language (part text deleted when 
unnecessary as in "John was drunk yesterday and Peter 
@OverStrike {was drunk} today.")  

                Thanks for any response


@SysInclude { latin2 }
@SysInclude { doc }
    @InitialBreak { unbreakablefirst unbreakablelast hyphen ragged 1.2fx }
    @InitialSpace { tex }
    @InitialLanguage { English }
    @InitialFont { TimesCE Base 12p }
@Text @Begin

Matěj Cepl
Mexická 4
101 01 Praha 10
phone (h): 02/717 24 791
e-mail: @address@hidden

# Shattuck, 57 53 05 72 zavolat o kontakt

@ToAddr {
John Shattuck
The Ambassador of the United States of America
Czech @Language {
# Americké velvyslanectví
Trľiątě 15
118 01 Praha 1 }

@Opening { Dear Sir, }

@LP I have been told by my father, Justice prof.~Vojtěch Cepl, that
you might be interested in seeing my resume. Therefore, let me send it
to you as an attachement to this letter. Let me inform you at the same
time about my plans for a future.

@PP My wife has been offered a scholarship for Ph.D. study of
linguistics at Massachussetts Instutut of Technology in Boston,
Mass. I would like to accompany her, therefore I am looking for a
possible position for me.

@PP I would prefer most of all studying for my Ph.D. too. I intend to
work in some non-professional occupation when back in the Czech
republic (e. g., as a scholar, as a researcher in a bank, NGO) and I
would like to get broader perspective of society as whole and some
more scientific background. As I have already completed my LL.M.
legal studies in USA (University of San Francisco, 1997), I am
comtemplating more some non-legal courses to study (e. g.,
non-managerial economics, divinity, sociology, computer sciences).

@PP I consider yet another option. If I am not successfull with
finding position to study, I will try to find another job to get at
least some useful experience. I could not probably get a job in a law
firm (being non-american lawyer and not getting a work permission),
however, it may be possible to apply for job in some other institution

@PP Please, if you have any questions or comments (both on this letter
as well as on the CV), please, do not hesitate to contact me.

@Closing { Yours sincerely }

@Signature { Matěj Cepl }

@End @Text
@SysInclude { fig }
@SysInclude { doc }
def @URL right x { { Courier Base } @Font @Verbatim { x } }
def @Polozka right x { @ListItem Helvetica Bold @Font x }
@InitialFont { Times Base 12p }
@InitialBreak { unbreakablefirst unbreakablelast hyphen ragged 1.2fx }
# maybe even rragged -- but it may be too much
# I do not know, if "unbreakablefirst unbreakablelast" make sense
# as it will fit on one page only.
@InitialSpace { lout }
@InitialLanguage { English }
@PageOrientation { Portrait }
@PageHeaders { None }
@FirstPageNumber { 1 }
@OptimizePages { Yes }
@Text @Begin

@Heading @CenteredDisplay {
Matěj Cepl
Mexická 4
101 00 Praha 10
Czech republic
+420 (2) 717 24 791
e-mail: @URL { address@hidden }

@LP @FullWidthRule linewidth { 1.5p }

# good verbs - action words
# key words
# too cluttered & hard to read
# work experience (even unrelated)
# one page only !!! (maybe more for academic curriculum vitae)
# do not be haphazard (náhodný)
# Body text - Times Base 12p
# Headlines - Helvetica Bold 12p
# Laser printer is best (1200dpi, if possible)

# The resume is your sales tool.
# Stress your accomplishments.
# Proofread! Proofread! Proofread!

# after interview (if any, but hopefully, there would be!)
# send a thank-you note.


# maybe not included, as I am not exactly sure, what position
# I am applying for (maybe added laterly)
# @TagItem { @B Objectives } { lawyer }

@TagItem { @B Education } {


@Polozka { xxx }



# Avoid the word "I"
# eliminate positions held for less than four months
# round off dates to years
# show your successes

@TagItem { @B Experience } {


@Polozka { xxx }



# with more than two years experience (and wish to forget
# school grades)
# list only degree, school, location, and date

@TagItem { @B Education } {


@Polozka { xxx }



# Skills and personal information is optional
# do not include references (maybe "References are available upon
# request")
# Do not include any reference to race, marital status, age,
# weight, or religion.

@TagItem { @B Skills } {


@Polozka { xxx }



@TagItem { @B Activities } {


@Polozka { xxx }




@End @Text--Message-Boundary-793
Content-type: Application/Octet-stream; name="il2.enc.gz"; type=Unknown
Content-disposition: attachment; filename="il2.enc.gz"
Content-transfer-encoding: BASE64

import @BasicSetup

def @FromAddr
    right x
@RD { lines @Break { x } | 1s @Wide {} }

def @ToAddr
    right x
lines @Break x

def @Opening
    right x
@LP x

def @Closing
    right x
@CD x

def @Signature
    right x
@RD 6c @Wide clines @Break x

def @URL
    right x
Courier Base @Font @Verbatim { x }

def @Enclosure
    right x

@TagItem { @B Enclosure: } lines @Break x

# import @DocumentSetup
import @BasicSetup

def @FromAddr
    right x
@RD 6c @Wide { x }

def @ToAddr
    right x
lines @Break x

def @Opening
    right x
@LP x

def @Closing
    right x
@CD x

def @Signature
    right x
@RD 6c @Wide clines @Break x

def @URL
    right x
Courier Base @Font @Verbatim { x }

def @Enclosure
    right x

@TagItem { @B Enclosure: } {


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