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Re: [lmi] Supplemental report with zero-percent columns

From: Greg Chicares
Subject: Re: [lmi] Supplemental report with zero-percent columns
Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2019 22:54:13 +0000
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On 2009-09-28 13:01, Greg Chicares wrote:
[...weird "0%" supplemental-report columns...]
> It seems plain now that adding these columns to the GUI was a
> mistake. The objective is just to provide a supplemental report,
> when general- and separate-account balances are both nonzero,
> with a particular set of columns on these bases:
>   "curr charges and genacct int, zero sepacct int"
>   "guar charges and genacct int, zero sepacct int"
> Adding columns on those bases to the GUI creates problems for
> non-variable policy forms, for which those bases are undefined.
> Except to comply with a regulatory requirement, no end user would
> ever wish to use any such column in a supplemental report.

All such columns have been liquidated.

> Because the desired supplemental report contains a particular
> fixed set of columns, it would seem better to implement it in the
> appropriate '.xsl' file, as was done in this 'nasd.xsl' template:
>   <xsl:template name="supplemental-illustration-report">

With XSL-FO, that just wasn't practical.

With MST, it wasn't too terrible, or at least Vadim made it seem so;
and I was able to make some revisions myself, more easily than I
could write specifications for those revisions.

> That's easier for end users and less prone to manual error. This
> special hard-coded supplemental report should appear if and only
> if a particular condition is met. I'm not exactly sure what that
> condition is, but it might be either (or both) of these:
>  (a) 'GenAcctAllocation' is neither one nor zero; or
>  (b) 'AVGenAcct' and 'AVSepAcct' are both nonzero.
> (a) is fairly straightforward because it uses only a scalar.
> (b) is harder (in xslt) because it involves two vectors.

We're using LedgerInvariant::SplitFundAllocation, which is even
better than either (or both) of those.

Now that this report is fully automated, I've removed the "weird"
columns from the GUI, conserving backward compatibility of course.

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