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Re: [liquidwar-user] Mac OS X Client

From: Christian Mauduit
Subject: Re: [liquidwar-user] Mac OS X Client
Date: Sat, 22 Feb 2003 13:01:47 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.3.28i


On Wed, Feb 19, 2003 at 10:08:37PM -0800, Rib Rdb wrote:
> I have created an application bundle for Mac OS X.  It

> is basically a shell script to launch esd and X if
> they are not running, and an icon I made.  I have both
> a .tar.gz and a .dmg (OS X compressed disk image), but
> I don't have a web site where I can distribute them.
Huh, well, if it's only a script and an image, it's OK to post them on
this list. Attachements are allowed provided that the whole message is
under 100Kb.

If you have compiled a binary, what you can do is try to type the
command: "make package_binary". This basically creates a .tgz
slackware-like package. That's what I use to generate the .tgz binaries
I put on my web site. The file should automatically have the "right"
name (including platform, os, etc...). This is not always the best
packaging scheme, for instance BSD people can be a little disturbed by
this approach, but it has several big advantages:
- names are long and explicit, this way one knows what's in the binary
- the game is compiled statically, this means that the end-user does not
  need to install Allegro. The drawback is that the packager must have
  all required libraries (including Allegro) available as static .a
- the packaging script already works, and I maintain it 8-)
IMPORTANT: if you want to create a package configured with
prefix=/usr/local you'll need to run the script as root. As always, no
garantee and so on, use at your own risk 8-/ But you can try the script
before by typing something like:
"./configure --prefix=/home/user/games/liquidwar ; make package_binary"

If you want to send such a binary to me, you can use my personnal email:
address@hidden which can handle files up to 4Mb AFAIK. I have no idea
how to read a .dmg 8-)

> The app itself compiled almost perfectly (the only
> problem was with Allegro's esd code).  
Thanks for the time you spent on this. Maybe I could add a section in
the docs to talk about these MacOS-X specific points?

> Networking is not working. I'm assuming this is because of
> endianness, but I suppose it could possibly be because
> I was using 5.5.8dev lying that it was 5.5.8. It
> connects but then fails to send the map.
You're right about the endianess problem, however I've good reasons to
think that the reason that made your connection fail is that I've added
a configuration option in 5.5.8dev (the "all CPUs fight a single human"
problem) and this wrecks compatibility with previous versions...

I think you could technically play with your actual binary and a recent
5.5.8dev server, however with the code you have you probably won't be
able to play against people running PCs.

The point is I just updated the code on the CVS repository to fix this
endianess problem. I'll try and run a 5.5.8dev server tomorrow, and be
online at about 17h00 GMT. Basically, if you see a 5.5.8dev server
appearing, it's me, and I'll be ready for testing if you wish. Of course
you'll need to use the current CVS code to fix the endianess problem 8-)

BTW, I should release 5.5.9 pretty soon now. The new features will be
the option I mentionned above, and also the possibility to make the
server perform some arbitrary action whenever someone connects. This way
one will be able to receive a mail or see a popup window when someone
connects on a server.

As you probably noticed, the biggest problem with LW by now is the fact
that there aren'y many people playing online 8'-(

Thanks again for the Mac OS X port and have a nice day,


Christian Mauduit <address@hidden>     __/\__ ___
                                        \~/ ~/(`_ \   ___                   /_o _\   \ \_/ _ \_            \/      \___/ \__)

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