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Re: Still failing to operate lilypond 2.20.0 64-bit version.

From: Ian West
Subject: Re: Still failing to operate lilypond 2.20.0 64-bit version.
Date: Thu, 19 Oct 2023 11:47:55 +0100

Dear Hans Åberg,

The manual writes:<>

1.4 Command line setup

On many GNU/Linux distributions, LilyPond can be installed from the package manager. This is also the case on macOS using either MacPorts or Homebrew.

In any case, you can install LilyPond by downloading the archive from Download and unpacking it. The binaries are usable immediately after unpacking. You can run


(on Windows, replace the slashes ‘/’ with backslashes ‘\’).

This compiles, and produces file.pdf. To test your setup, you can use this minimal file:

\version "2.24.2"

{ c' }

This will produce this output in ‘file.pdf’:

[image of music].png

From the attached photo you will see that I created in 'home'  a folder called 'LilyPondArea', and in that a folder called 'lilypond-2.24.2'. In the former I placed the downloaded tar, and in the latter the unpacked files of lilypond-2.24.2 (i.e. 'bin', etc)
Screenshot 2023-10-19 at 10.27.08.png

I use Textedit to create and save a '' as directed and I saved it in lilypond-2.24.2, i.e. with bin, etc. Now (moment of truth). I open Terminal, go to 'home', create the path to bin, as:-

By listing ('ls'), I note that is in there with bin, but as . Do I trim off the .txt? or remember to refer to it by its longer name? Perhaps I should put a genuine lilypond file in as a test. Or save the other as 'file.txt', or as '' by deleting the txt (I believe a genuine lilypond file is just a text file with suffix '.ly'  .)

The manual instructions say "you can run"     /.../lilypond-x.y.z/bin/lilypond
But what do you/they mean by "run"? 
Should I write ......exec /../.././lilypond-2.24.2/bin/lilypond file.txt  ?
Do I still have to change permissions, as indicated by Hans Åberg?
Do I still have to use 'sudo' as indicated by Hans Åberg?
It all seems too much --- at my age. Please do not waste time. I still have lilypond-2.18.2 and an old machine that will run it. I do not think there is any innovation since version 2.18.2 that I would use, or miss. 

Yours, Ian West

Hans Åberg wrote 7/10 2023.  (But I am not going to use Frescobaldi, nor write a script, nor use Homebrew nor Macports. )
Ian West
9 Thenford Road, Middleton Cheney,
Tel: 01295 713 889; (Mobile: 07474 572 588)

On 7 Oct 2023, at 18:23, Hans Åberg <> wrote:

On Oct 7, 2023, at 18:46, Ian West <> wrote:

I can see that it is a complex business constructing a new software package.

I was under the impression that, on 12 Aug 2022, I downloaded lilypong02.20.0 build 20200311175017-darwin-64.tar, unpacked it and ran the package on my 64-bit M2 MacBookAir running Ventura 13.4.1
It ran successfully (once I had satisfied it that GS was ‘safe’. I used it successfully for a year.

From what I can see, there is
listed on the page

Download it, and unpack it. Probably it can be put anywhere, if compiled with relative links.

To use it:

In Frescobaldi, Preferences, say which one binary to use.

Otherwise, use Terminal, or any other program that calls the binary.

Either call the binary with full or relative (Unix style) path in Terminal, or set the environment variable PATH to include its directory "bin", or write a script which includes it. The script can be put in /usr/local/bin/ as that is included by default in PATH. See what the PATH is say one of
echo $PATH

A script named "lilypond" put in say /usr/local/bin/ is a text file that may contain:
export LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8
export LANG=en_US.UTF-8
exec /opt/local/bin/lilypond "$@"
where /opt/local/bin/lilypond is if it is MacPorts, otherwise whatever path you have chosen.

After making the text file named "lilypond", make
chmod a+x lilypond
sudo cp lilypond /usr/local/bin/

Then, in to run it in Terminal, just write
lilypond …

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