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Re: "Slash" in figured bass

From: Lukas-Fabian Moser
Subject: Re: "Slash" in figured bass
Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2023 12:28:47 +0200
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Hi Werner,
 From Förster's book: ex. 141
I also attach an example from his "Practische Beyspiele", in which a
slightly different layout is being used in which the slash and the
figure are put separately over their respective notes.

Of course it wouldn't be hard to cook up a solution (using \markup
in figures) for both styles, but I'd like to do it "the right way":
Do we already have a suitable slash symbol? If not, how should it be
designed?  Has anybody of you already used this symbol?
I haven't seen this before, and I believe this is an ad-hoc invention
of Förster for pedagogical purposes.  In particular, there is no
fitting glyph in the SMuFL specification (AFAICS).  Consequently, a
simple `\markup` solution is probably the way to go.

Adding some context:

The slash is pronounced the best of several possibilites by C. Ph. E. Bach ("Versuch über die wahre Art das Clavier zu spielen", Part II, Ch. 1, § 76). See also the discussion in F. T. Arnold, "The Art of Accompaniment from a Thorough-Bass" (1931), Ch. XIX ("The Figuring of Transitional Notes", § 5 "Different methods of indicating 'transitus irregularis' in the Bass".

I'll think about adding the variants listed by Bach to LilyPond proper. For the time being, and for the sake of completeness, here's what I did, which is a bit makeshift design-wise, but the syntax seems nice to me:

\version "2.24.0"

slashMarkup = \markup \raise #-0.25 { " /" } % TODO: Paint decent glyph :-)

Slash_figure_engraver =
% Convert <_/> figure to slash slashMarkup
#(lambda (ctx)
     ((bass-figure-event engraver event)
       (and (null? (ly:event-property event 'figure))
            (null? (ly:event-property event 'text))
            (ly:event-property event 'diminished #f))
       (ly:event-set-property! event 'diminished #f)
       (ly:event-set-property! event 'text slashMarkup))))))

\layout {
  \context {
    \consists #Slash_figure_engraver

  \new FiguredBass \figuremode {
    <_/> <6> <_/> <6>
  \new Staff \with { \clef bass } {
    f4 e d c

(The even friendlier syntax variant </> would require changing the lexer/parser, I think.)


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