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prall with accidental

From: Werner LEMBERG
Subject: prall with accidental
Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2013 11:51:51 +0100 (CET)


I want this

  c4-\tweak Script.script-priority #-100              
    -\tweak X-offset #0.4
    ^\markup { \fontsize #-5 \sharp }

converted to a macro so that I can say


(actually, I think that this command and its siblings \prallFlat,
 \pralldownSharp, etc.  should be added to lilypond because the
 definitions are non-trivial)

The naïve approach

  prallSharp = -\tweak Script.script-priority #-100              
               -\tweak X-offset #0.4
               ^\markup { \fontsize #-5 \sharp }

doesn't work, and I wonder whether there exists a solution without a
lot of Scheme code – and where I should find hints in the manual for


PS: Commands like \prall are listed in the index, but the symbols
    themselves are not mentioned as text with explanation, just within
    images.  This makes it impossible for blind people to find them.

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