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Re: Cross staff beams with subdivision

From: Noeck
Subject: Re: Cross staff beams with subdivision
Date: Sat, 12 Jan 2013 20:24:30 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:17.0) Gecko/20130106 Thunderbird/17.0.2

Am 12.01.2013 20:08, schrieb Keith OHara:
>> How can I extend the distance between the staffs to make place for 
>> this beams construct?
> When I want extra space between staves for a few isolated cases, I find
> some object on the staff and ask LilyPond go make more space for it. 
> Here, the rest is convenient.
>   \once\override Rest #'minimum-Y-extent = #'(0 . 9)
>   r8 gis,,,,!32\([ b dis gis!
>     \change Staff=upper \times 4/6 { b dis gis! b dis gis!\)] }

I also tried to get this solved. And moving this rest showed me, that it
is only the space between the staffs that is missing, once the beam
brackets are set correctly.

Your solution works perfectly. My question is: Is that the way such
spacing issues are handled? Or is there a preferred way using some staff
spacing instead of using space around a rest, that happens to be close by?


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