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markup placement

From: David Santamauro
Subject: markup placement
Date: Mon, 11 Oct 2010 14:51:19 -0400

Hello all,

I am finally trying to get past the basics with lilypond. In my
attempts, I have been copying a score that has divisi violas with a
downbow marker. My problem is that the text "div." is rendered above
the downbow marker but I would like it to the left and lower.

Is it possible to move objects like that markup with the proper
directives? If it is and is documented, please point me to the relevant
snippets or section in the manual.



My smallest possible example:

\version "2.12.3"

\include ""

\header {
  title = "test div/downbow"
  tagline = ##f

\score {  
    \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Viola" }
      \clef alto
        \new Voice = "vlaI" {
          % the "div" and downbow are stacked
          % but I'd like them side-by-side
          r2 \mark \markup { \teeny "div." } cs'4\downbow e'4
        \new Voice = "vlaII" {
          r2  cs'2

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