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Re: broken doc build (

From: Knut Petersen
Subject: Re: broken doc build (
Date: Mon, 23 May 2016 11:23:02 +0200
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Am 20.05.2016 um 17:27 schrieb David Kastrup:
David Kastrup <address@hidden> writes:

Can you run this under a debugger and place a breakpoint on
Scheme_engraver::init_from_scheme or just write abort(); as its first
line?  I want to know whether the problem is triggered _without_
creating a Scheme_engraver.  Or whether I just did not figure out how a
Scheme_engraver comes into play here.

Back at the PC again.

lilypond 0e00ce29:

make doc succeeds.

lilypond c1d7bc22:

"make doc" fails at 10 out of 10 times.

"/home/knut/sources/lily/build/out/bin/lilypond -dpreview -ddebug -dresolution=150 
-o ./out-www /home/knut/sources/lily/Documentation/ly-examples/" 
succeeds 10 out of 10 times.

"gdb --args /home/knut/sources/lily/build/out/bin/lilypond -dpreview -ddebug 
-dresolution=150 -o ./out-www 
/home/knut/sources/lily/Documentation/ly-examples/" succeeds 10 out of 
10 times.

"valgrind -v --track-origins=yes /home/knut/sources/lily/build/out/bin/lilypond 
-dpreview -ddebug -dresolution=150 -o ./out-www 
/home/knut/sources/lily/Documentation/ly-examples/" fails 10 out of 10 

lilypond c1d7bc22 with "abort();" at start of Scheme_engraver::init_from_scheme 
succeeds if called from bash prompt and fails with valgrind again.

"-ddebug" does not work as lilypond tells me that there is no internal option 
named debug ;-)

valgrind logs of both versions differ a lot, but they are pretty big. Shall I 
send them to the list? I think it could be a good idea to look at those places 
that differ ...


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