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Question about @vindex entries in macros.itexi

From: James
Subject: Question about @vindex entries in macros.itexi
Date: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 18:10:26 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:24.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/24.6.0


This is way above my 'pay grade' but I wondered - from my limited understanding of TexInfo - why we include a @vindex in the following macros.

So for instance if I look in macros.itexi I can see (cut for brevity):


@macro rprogram{TEXT}
@vindex \TEXT\
@ref{\TEXT\,,,usage-big-page,Application Usage}
@end macro

@macro rprogramnamed{TEXT,DISPLAY}
@vindex \TEXT\
@ref{\TEXT\,,\DISPLAY\,usage-big-page,Application Usage}
@end macro

@macro rlsr{TEXT}
@end macro

@macro rlsrnamed{TEXT,DISPLAY}
@end macro

@macro rinternals{TEXT}
@vindex \TEXT\
@ref{\TEXT\,,,internals-big-page,Internals Reference}
@end macro


and so on.

Although, as you can see, two of these @macros don't have an @vindex in them.

You see, it seems that when we include an @ref{} (or a more specific @rcontrib{} @rlearning{} etc.) in a sentence and not on a line on its own, it generates a warning in the *.makeinfo.log files.

/tmp/lilypond-autobuild/Documentation/contributor/introduction.itexi:26: warning: @vindex should only appear at a line beginning (possibly involving @rcontrib) /tmp/lilypond-autobuild/Documentation/contributor/introduction.itexi:26: warning: @vindex should only appear at a line beginning (possibly involving @rcontrib) /tmp/lilypond-autobuild/Documentation/contributor/introduction.itexi:117: warning: @vindex should only appear at a line beginning (possibly involving @rweb)

When I reference those lines in the *.itexi file I can see these @ref{} constructions in the source at the end or in the middle of a sentence. It doesn't break the build obviously but I wondered what their purpose was of having the @vindex in some of the macros, at least in this context?



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