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Re: My drafts group has disappeared

From: Ted Zlatanov
Subject: Re: My drafts group has disappeared
Date: Wed, 08 Dec 2010 15:44:40 -0000
User-agent: Gnus/5.110011 (No Gnus v0.11) Emacs/24.0.50 (gnu/linux)

On Sun, 4 Jul 2010 14:32:12 -0700 (PDT) Daniel Davison <> 

DD> My newsrc.eld already contains these entries in  gnus-newsrc-alist:

DD> ("nndraft:queue" 1 nil nil (nndraft "") ((gnus-dummy (gnus-draft-
DD> mode)))) ("nndraft:drafts" 6 ((5 . 7) (9 . 10) 12 (16 . 17) (19 . 20)
DD> (23 . 26) 28 32 (35 . 37) 39 41 (43 . 44) (46 . 50) (52 . 56) (58 .
DD> 60) 71 (73 . 79) (81 . 83) 86 (89 . 90) (94 . 98) 100 (102 . 105)
DD> (114 . 117) 119 122 124 (126 . 128) (131 . 132) 134 (136 . 137) (139 .
DD> 140) 142) nil (nndraft "") ((gnus-dummy (gnus-draft-mode))))

DD> I tried deleting them and adding the simpler versions you provide
DD> above as the first elements in the alist, but this didn't make a
DD> drafts group appear. I also tried C-c C-d, which does save a file in
DD> the drafts folder but didn't enlighten me as to how to get the folder
DD> to appear in gnus.

(CC to Dan because he mentioned he doesn't see the articles sometimes)

I was reading gnus-start.el for another reason and noticed this


It seems like it does everything necessary to set up the draft group and
make it visible.  Can you try running it?

If it doesn't work for you we can dig into the reasons why.  But that
function, rather than editing the newsrc file, should be the main
recourse when the draft group disappears.


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