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Re: [igraph] [Igraph] Help

From: patricia
Subject: Re: [igraph] [Igraph] Help
Date: Sat, 3 May 2014 04:15:44 +0300

I'm trying to configure CodeBlocks to use IGRAPH library. 

I did the following steps: 

1) <Settings> - <compiler> 
2)  <Search directories>  -  <compiler> :   added the directory where the igraph.h file (C: \ cygwin \ usr \ local \ include \ IGRAPH) 
3) <Linker> :   added the directory where the "libigraph.a" file (C: \ cygwin \ usr \ local \ lib) 
4) <Linker settings>  :  added the "libigraph.a" file (C: \ cygwin \ usr \ local \ lib \ libigraph.a) 
5) Before compiling the file, copied "cygwin1.dll" to the folder that contains my project. 

Performed the above steps, I tried to compile the code and got a list of errors: 

C: \ cygwin \ usr \ local \ lib \ libigraph.a (libigraph_la-structural_properties.o): undefined reference to structural_properties.c '__assert_func' 

This same error occurs several times, for various references ('_fpclassifyd', '_getreent', ....). 

How I do I resolve this problem? 

Thank you

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