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[igraph] simplify and edge.attr.comb

From: Hermann Norpois
Subject: [igraph] simplify and edge.attr.comb
Date: Sun, 24 Nov 2013 17:57:23 +0100

I have an undirected graph g and I used

g <- simplify (g)

to remove multiple edges. The problem is that I dont find the correct
syntax for edge.attr.comp. I want my weights (for E(g)$weight) not being altered. The weights should not be touched at all. I just want multiple edges to vanish.

I tried
 g <- simplify (g, edge.attr.comb=list (weight=function (x) unique (x), name="ignore"))

and it seems to work but I am not happy with it.
Could you please help to ameliorate the _expression_?

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