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Re: [igraph] maximal.cliques returns duplicates

From: Tony Larson
Subject: Re: [igraph] maximal.cliques returns duplicates
Date: Mon, 18 Nov 2013 17:46:20 +0000

Hmmm - I think I am misunderstanding fundamentally what maximal.cliques() is doing - I assumed there should be no overlap but of course there will be as vertices can be shared amongst cliques!  What I am trying to achieve is effectively clustering by pulling out complete subgraphs, but vertices should appear uniquely in the final set of clusters.  Can you suggest a way of doing this? 

 One thought I had was to recursively calculate the largest.cliques(), delete the associated vertices,  and continue until there are no vertices left.  However, I am still stuck with the problem that  largest.cliques() can return more than one clique (if vector lengths are equal) and these can contain overlapping vertices, so there still has to be a choice made of which vertices to use...

On 18 November 2013 17:23, Gábor Csárdi <address@hidden> wrote:
On Mon, Nov 18, 2013 at 11:57 AM, Tony Larson <address@hidden> wrote:
> OK,
> Here's a toy example (and on the latest igraph) - still not behaving as
> expected??

You need to set the random seed to make this example reproducible.

>> mat <- matrix(sample(c(0,1), 100 * 100, replace = TRUE, prob = c(0.8,
>> 0.2)), 100, 100)
>> g <- graph.adjacency(mat, mode = "undirected", weighted = TRUE, diag =
>> mc <- maximal.cliques(g)
>> any(duplicated(unlist(mc)))

No, this is not good, you just create a long vector from all clique
vertices, and there will be duplicates if there is overlap.... you
need to check whether one is a subset of any of the others.



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Dr. Tony R. Larson
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