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Re: Criticisms against Octave

From: Macy
Subject: Re: Criticisms against Octave
Date: Sun, 5 Feb 2012 07:28:36 -0800

I never considered a GUI as the tool you described!  But rather as those 
irritating 'windows'

I take it back. I WANT the ability to use a mouse as input to octave *if* I can 
customize the response.

Highly desirable to take a plot and 'bang' on its lumps to find out what it 
takes to do that!


--- address@hidden wrote:


I didn't read any complaints in his comments, only an explanation of why he
couldn't use Octave.

I also taught electrical control and filter theory and ran into the same

  The GUI is in the works, and when that is ready then we (you and I and
others ) can  work on software to use the mouse to move the poles and zeros
around in S or Z space and watch the bode and step and impulse responses as
we move them. Up till recently the graphics was a one way street and as
such had no mouse feed back directly to octave, but this is changing!



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