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Re: User-defined Data Types

From: en254
Subject: Re: User-defined Data Types
Date: Sun, 23 Apr 2000 13:54:06 -0400 (EDT)

On Fri, 21 Apr 2000, Rafael Laboissiere wrote:
> In the Octave manual, there is an almost empty section called "User-defined
> Data Types" that points to the source files under src/.  Since there is a
> huge amount of interrelated files there, it is difficult to just grasp what
> is essential for the creation of a new user-defined data type.  Hence my
> question: did someone come up with a simple example of user-defined data
> type creation so that it is possible to define it in a .oct file and use it
> after loading from the command line?

the file examples/ is a very good template. It does
not depend on any other files.

   address@hidden examples]# mkoctfile-2.1.19
   address@hidden examples]# octave-2.1.19 
   octave-2.1.19:1> a=make_int(2);
   installing integer type at type-id = 18
   octave-2.1.19:2> whos
   *** local user variables:
   prot  type                       rows   cols  name
   ====  ====                       ====   ====  ====
    rwd  integer                       1      1  a
   error: evaluating binary operator `+' near line 3, column 2
   octave-2.1.19:3> a+make_int(4)
   installing integer type at type-id = 18
   ans =

If you need a more complex/complete example of user defined types
(for 2.1.x versions) take a look at my octave sparse functions

As you mention, user defined types are not well documented, but,
in my opinion they are well designed, and, once you understand
the class structure, a pleasure to use.

Andy Adler,                               address@hidden

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