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Re: Inconsistent use of vpath

From: Philip Guenther
Subject: Re: Inconsistent use of vpath
Date: Sun, 3 Jun 2012 22:00:02 -0700

On Sun, Jun 3, 2012 at 8:46 PM, normvcr <address@hidden> wrote:
> Philip Guenther-2 wrote:
>> I believe the most common cause of this is because some makefile rule
>> builds a file other than address@hidden  In this case, ../src/foo.cpp  didn't
>> exist before the first run but did afterwards, but make didn't know
>> that some rule that it had run had created it.  What was the rule that
>> generated ../src/foo.cpp?
> There is, indeed, a target that first creates foo.cpp, but it only
> overwrites an an old, existing, foo.cpp .  It is as though the creation of
> the new foo.cpp is changing the rules, as you suggested, above, even
> though there was already a foo.cpp before invoking make the first time.
> Any ideas how to work around, that?  Perhaps, if I break up the
> rule into two rules (first make foo.cpp, then make foo.o),
> that should simplify things for make, but should such a work-around
> be necessary?

No, make does not need that.  The problem is almost certainly that THE
RULE IS WRONG.  Every rule should create/update *exactly* the path
"$@".  Not "../src/$@" or "${objdir}/$@", but *just* address@hidden  Is that 
the current rule does?  Since you don't want to show the rule itself,
you'll have to look and answer that yourself.

Philip Guenther

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