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Submake question

From: jorgefm
Subject: Submake question
Date: Tue, 15 Oct 2002 11:57:21 +0200

Hi folks!

I have a little question about sub-makes.

I'm using a general Makefile to build all the system. The system have a lot
of makefile. To build the
system the general makefile launch a make for every subproject it founds.
Something like this:

General Makefile:

# Get all the subprojects' makefiles.
GEN_MAKES=$(shell find . -path "*CVS" -prune -o -print -mindepth 2 | grep
-e "Makefile$$")
GEN_MAKES:=$(subst ./,,$(GEN_MAKES))

# Make all the system
      @for dir in $(GEN_MAKES_DIR); do \
            make -C $$dir distall; \

My question is : How can i stop the process if i get some error in a make ?
I have read in 'make' manual, chapter 9,
that  the exit status is not equal to 0 if any error is found, but how can
i access this value ? How can i do somethig like:

      @for dir in $(GEN_MAKES_DIR); do \
            result = make -C $$dir distall; \
            ifneq $result  0
                  $(error Subproject not made! )

Thanks for your time,
Jorge Fernandez

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