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Re: Added SATA drive, now it won't boot

From: Simon Hobson
Subject: Re: Added SATA drive, now it won't boot
Date: Tue, 8 Nov 2016 07:37:48 +0000

Tracy Reed <address@hidden> wrote:

> I'm using 2.02 on CentOS 7. I installed to an NVMe device (SSD).
> Everything works perfectly. Then I stuck a 1T SATA drive in the hot swap
> bay. Grub menu comes up, counts down, tries to boot, dreaded blinking
> cursor screen.

What does your grub.conf have for device names ?
If it's using names like sda1 or (hd0,0) etc then it's probably because the 
devices as seen by Grub have moved and sda is now sdb and hd0 is now hd1.
If you can get to the grub menu, then you should be able to edit a menu entry 
before trying to boot it and change the device names to suit. Once you've 
booted - you may need to boot to single user mode and edit your /etc/fstab file 
as well - then you can update grub to get the new device names.
This is the sort of thing that UUIDs were designed to get around - it doesn't 
matter what order the devices are found in, Grub and mount will find the right 
disk/partition by it's UUID. Personally I prefer filesystem labels (once you've 
had to type a couple of UUIDs to get a system to boot you'll know why), but 
Debian doesn't support that as an option for Grub.

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