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Re: custom Authentication module

From: Andrey Borzenkov
Subject: Re: custom Authentication module
Date: Mon, 2 Jun 2014 20:53:04 +0400

В Mon, 2 Jun 2014 16:08:10 +0000
"Buckeyne, Thomas" <address@hidden> пишет:

> On the:
> """
> > Do I need to request a module to be included when I run 
> > grub-mkstandalone / grub-mkimage
> Not sure I understand this question. Do you mean - module that you are going 
> to build?
> """
> My custom module is being included; I thought perhaps I needed to include 
> some module (other than cipher) to get the ecc support
>       But your other answers explain why it is not being included (it is not 
> because it is not in the module include list; but because it is deliberately 
> excluded)
> As information; I removed the exclusion of ecc.c and it compiled correctly 
> but it did not link
>      => it seems to need some function is a misc.c ; I removed the exclusion 
> for misc.c 
>       but it does not compile for a variety of reasons (the 
> util/ does not seem to "filter" it at all comes across 
> unchanged => therefor it does not compile)
> With the expanding usage of ECDSA for authentication do you know if there are 
> any plans to include the ecc module in grub build (if or when)?

Not really, but if you could clean up build and offer a patch, it would
be helpful.

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