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Re: Help with install of Grub2 (1.98) with Cygwin under Windows 7

From: Gregg Levine
Subject: Re: Help with install of Grub2 (1.98) with Cygwin under Windows 7
Date: Mon, 27 Jun 2011 22:43:45 -0400

On Mon, Jun 27, 2011 at 9:50 PM, J.V. <address@hidden> wrote:
> I have two disks in my system (neither of which are Linux).
> Disk 1:    Windows 7 on (Sata connection 1)
> Disk 2:    VMWare ESXi (Sata connection 2)
> The only way I could get grub (1.98) installed on the Windows 7 disk was to
> install cygwin and use the grub utilities there.
> I did a grub-install and then grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
> ---
> After rebooting, I was taken to the grub> prompt
> which was very unexpected.
> I should have been given a graphical selection of the two OS's on the two
> disks that I have.
> => It was not possible to install grub using CentOS 5.6 live CD or CentOS
> 5.6 Installation CD so had to use cygwin.
> If it is possible to get a simple graphical display of the OS's please let
> me know.
> Also with the grub-install there was no defaults file provided anywhere.
>  All the documentation suggests there would be a /etc/default/grub file but
> there is none.
> In fact there is no /default/ directory at all but rather a /defaults/
> directory.
> J.V.
> _______________________________________________
> Help-grub mailing list
> address@hidden

Please wait. You already posted your problem to us once. We need time
to consider your problem.

Gregg C Levine address@hidden
"This signature fought the Time Wars, time and again."

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