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Re: extra space after } results in no menu item - bug?

From: Kevin Hunter
Subject: Re: extra space after } results in no menu item - bug?
Date: Thu, 04 Mar 2010 22:16:51 -0500
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20090817)

At 1:50pm -0500 Mon, 01 Mar 2010, Patrik Lahti wrote:
> It would be preferable if it didn't matter that there was an extra 
> space there. Imagine the head scratching before figuring it out 
> :-)

While I agree that the extra space shouldn't matter, let me offer you a
tangential solution.  If you use vim, try adding this line to your
~/.vimrc file:

set list listchars=tab:>-,trail:-  " show tabs and trailing spaces

This gem has saved me from just such head scratching quite a few times,
and also begins to alleviate some of the issue between files and
developers that mix tabs and spaces.


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