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[Help-glpk] Strange Question

From: Welson Sun
Subject: [Help-glpk] Strange Question
Date: Tue, 2 Mar 2004 16:10:19 -0700

Hi all, I have met a strange question with Glpk, can you help me out?
I am using Glpk in Cygwin under WindowsXP. Since currently there is no Windows makefile for Glpk JNI, I used the precompiled version from address@hidden .
My LP problem is quite simple:
Minimize C1X1 + C2X2 + ..... + CnXn
So that
    Xi - Xj <= Wij ( 1 <= i,j <= n )
Where all X are integer and all Wij are non-negtive integer.
The first strange problem is that I can use simplex() method to solve this, while I cannot use integer() method to solve this, the later will report:
GlpkMsg: lpx_integer: optimal solution of LP relaxation required
I have set the problem to be MIP type, so how can this be possible?
The second strange problem is that I cannot retrieve the X solution correctly when the number of X is greater than 40. It will solve the problem, I have tested with 1000 X variables, but it just cannot retrieve the solution, sometimes it will report:
ufree: ptr = 0095CB90; memory allocation error
And sometimes, it just exits when it is in the middle of retriving solution.
Here is the main code:
public ArrayList minLoopCut(DirectedGraph g){
  // Create the LP problem object, set its name and optimization
  //   direction and some housekeeping routines
  GlpkSolver solver;
  try {
   solver = new GlpkSolver();
  } catch (Error e) {
   System.err.println("Can't instantiate solver:");
   return null;
  // Since we've hooked the messages we don't need stdout/err printing
        // Set general things
        int nodeCount = g.nodeCount();
        // Set the column variable number, i.e. number of nodes
        // For each column variable, set its name, bound and target
        // coefficient value
        // If a node has no input or output, its retiming value = 0,
        // else, its retiming value is free
        // The coefficient is the indegree - outdegree
        for (int i=1; i<=nodeCount; i++){
            solver.setColKind(i, GlpkSolver.LPX_IV);
            int inDegree = g.inputEdgeCount(g.node(i-1));
            int outDegree = g.outputEdgeCount(g.node(i-1));
            if ( inDegree == 0 || outDegree == 0 )
                solver.setColBnds(i, GlpkSolver.LPX_FX, 0.0, 0.0);
                solver.setColBnds(i, GlpkSolver.LPX_FR, 0.0, 0.0);
            solver.setColCoef(i, inDegree - outDegree);
        // Set the row variable number, i.e. number of edges
        int edgeCount = g.edgeCount();
        // Prepare the constraint matrix row and column index array, and
        // corresponding value
        // array size = 2 * number of rows + 1
        int arraySize = edgeCount * 2 + 1;
        int ia[] = new int[arraySize]; //row index array
        int ja[] = new int[arraySize]; //column index array
        double ar[] = new double[arraySize]; //arry value 
        // For each row variable, set its bound (i.e. Wij's bound)
        // Ri - Rj < Wij
        for (int row=1; row<=edgeCount; row++){
            Edge edge = g.edge(row-1);
            int regCount = edgeRegArray[g.edgeLabel(edge)];
            solver.setRowBnds(row, GlpkSolver.LPX_UP, 0.0, regCount);
            int row_index = row * 2 -1;
            ia[row_index] = row;
            ja[row_index] = g.nodeLabel(edge.source()) + 1;
            ar[row_index] = 1.0;
            row_index = row * 2;
            ia[row_index] = row;
            ja[row_index] = g.nodeLabel(edge.sink()) + 1;
            ar[row_index] = -1.0;
        // Load matrix
        solver.loadMat3( 2 * edgeCount, ia, ja, ar);
        // Solve it
        int res = solver.simplex();
   if (res != GlpkSolver.LPX_E_OK ||
    (solver.getStatus() != GlpkSolver.LPX_OPT &&
     solver.getStatus() != GlpkSolver.LPX_FEAS)) {
    System.err.println("Sample: simplex() failed");
    return null;
        // Recalculating the edge weight
        int finalCutNumber = 0;
        GlpkSolverInfo sourceR = new GlpkSolverInfo();
        GlpkSolverInfo sinkR = new GlpkSolverInfo();
        for(int i=0; i<edgeCount; i++){
            Edge edge = g.edge(i);
            int edgeIndex = g.edgeLabel(edge);
            int regCount = edgeRegArray[edgeIndex];
            int source = g.nodeLabel(edge.source()) + 1;
            solver.getColInfo(source, sourceR);
            int sink = g.nodeLabel(edge.sink()) + 1;
            solver.getColInfo(sink, sinkR);
            int newRegCount = regCount + (int)sinkR.vx - (int)sourceR.vx;
//             double source = solver.getMIPCol( g.nodeLabel(edge.source()) + 1);
//             double sink =   solver.getMIPCol( g.nodeLabel(edge.sink()) + 1 );
//             int newRegCount = regCount + (int)sink - (int)source;
            edgeRegArray[edgeIndex] = newRegCount;
            if (newRegCount != 0) {
                finalCutNumber ++;
        System.out.println("Final cut number: " + finalCutNumber);
        return null;

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