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Re: Help fixing NativeMessaging host: read 32-bit message length in nati

From: Greg Wooledge
Subject: Re: Help fixing NativeMessaging host: read 32-bit message length in native byte order
Date: Sat, 24 Jun 2023 22:56:56 -0400

On Sat, Jun 24, 2023 at 07:26:10PM -0700, guest271314 wrote:
> > You're aware that dd, head, cat and most other commands are NOT part
> of bash, right?
> Yes. "most" is stretching it, though I understand what you are talking
> about.

It is NOT stretching anything.  The overwhelming majority of commands
available on any realistic system (i.e. not an embedded system or an
initramfs or a Docker or something) are external, not shell builtins.

On my system, TAB TAB produces this count:

Display all 3363 possibilities? (y or n)

That's over three THOUSAND commands.  Out of that set of commands, there
are 61 shell builtins (as confirmed by "compgen -b | wc") and 22 shell
keywords ("compgen -A keyword | wc").  I have 11 aliases ("alias | wc"),
and 16 functions ("compgen -A function | wc").

That means 3253 out of 3363 commands are external.  Not part of bash,
and not part of my personal configuration.

> The system I am on has dd, head, cat exposed in the default shell, Bash.

These are not bash builtins.  They are external commands.

unicorn:~$ type head
head is /usr/bin/head
unicorn:~$ type dd
dd is hashed (/usr/bin/dd)
unicorn:~$ type cat
cat is hashed (/usr/bin/cat)
unicorn:~$ type cd
cd is a shell builtin

You see the difference?

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