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[Health] LDAP Support in GNU Health Running Tryton 3.4

From: Christoph H. Larsen
Subject: [Health] LDAP Support in GNU Health Running Tryton 3.4
Date: Mon, 5 Sep 2016 20:25:30 +0300
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Dear All,

I have the task to convert a GNU Health instance sitting on top of Tryton 3.4 to user authentication by OpenLDAP. I understand that this is the first version, where Trytron left the two-module GUI configuration game.
Does anybody have sorted this out so that it can actually work?
Here are the relevant sections of my configuration file:


<rest of the trytond config is above, defaults are commented out>

# Configure parameters for authentication via LDAP
# The LDAP URL to connect to the server
# An LDAP URL begins with the protocol prefix "ldap" and is defined by the following grammar: # ldapurl = scheme "://" [hostport] ["/" [dn ["?" [attributes] ["?" [scope] ["?" [filter] ["?" extensions]]]]]]
#        scheme     = "ldap"
#        attributes = attrdesc *("," attrdesc)
#        scope      = "base" / "one" / "sub"
#        dn         = distinguishedName from Section 3 of [1]
#        hostport   = hostport from Section 5 of RFC 1738 [5]
#        attrdesc   = AttributeDescription from Section 4.1.5 of [2]
#        filter     = filter from Section 4 of [4]
#        extensions = extension *("," extension)
#        extension  = ["!"] extype ["=" exvalue]
#        extype     = token / xtoken
#        exvalue    = LDAPString from section 4.1.2 of [2]
#        token      = oid from section 4.1 of [3]
#        xtoken     = ("X-" / "x-") token
# See here for more details:
#uri =
uri = ldap://ldap.jail.vlan:389/ou=People,o=MyOrg??sub?(&(objectclass=inetOrgPerson)(memberOf=cn=trytond_health_instance,ou=Groups,o=MyOrg))?bindname=cn=LDAPReader,ou=Roles,o=MyOrg
# The password used to bind, if needed
#bind_pass =
###bind_pass = <LDAPReader password>
# A boolean to set, if the LDAP server is an Active Directory
#active_directory =
# The uid attribute for authentication
#uid = uid
uid = uid
# A boolean to create user if not in the database
#create_user =
create_user = true

Although I have a full-blown OpenLDAP setup (I use it for authentication for essentially all my applications) I do not seem to get any logging noise within LDAP from trytond's side. I used py-ldap instead of py-ldap3, because this is what this trytond version still requires, installed from ports, because pip gives my SASL, which I neither want nor need - everything is TLS.

Any ideas, know set up or comments will be hugely appreciated.
Thanks a lot,


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