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[bug#36033] Add Smalltalk Pharo VM

From: Brian Woodcox
Subject: [bug#36033] Add Smalltalk Pharo VM
Date: Fri, 31 May 2019 13:46:50 -0600


I have added the Pharo Smalltalk VM package with this patch.

After installing this package, a user can launch an image by executing 
pharos-vm in the directory that contains the pharos-vm.

To keep things consistent with the current Pharo release, I decided to use the 
address@hidden and address@hidden  If someone feels I should use the latest 
releases of these packages, I can submit a new patch.

Because of the way Pharo constructs the version and commit date for use 
internally in the Pharo VM, it is necessary to add this information to the 
package i.e. commit-info.

This is my first package, so go easy on me. :)


Attachment: 0001-Add-pharo-vm-package.patch
Description: Binary data

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