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[bug#36033] Add Smalltalk Pharo VM

From: Brian Woodcox
Subject: [bug#36033] Add Smalltalk Pharo VM
Date: Fri, 31 May 2019 17:30:35 -0600

I notice that there were a couple of errors when this was posted.  The second 
one was out of my hands (caused by the mailing system).

> On May 31, 2019, at 1:46 PM, Brian Woodcox <address@hidden> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have added the Pharo Smalltalk VM package with this patch.
> After installing this package, a user can launch an image by executing 
> pharos-vm in the directory that contains the pharos-vm.

The above line should read as:

After installing this package, a user can launch an image by executing pharo in 
the directory that contains the pharo image.

> To keep things consistent with the current Pharo release, I decided to use 
> the address@hidden and address@hidden  If someone feels I should use the 
> latest releases of these packages, I can submit a new patch.

The above line should read as:

To keep things consistent with the current Pharo release, I decided to use the 
sdl2 at 2.0.7 and libgit2 at 0.25.1.  If someone feels I should use the latest 
releases of these packages, I can submit a new patch.
> Because of the way Pharo constructs the version and commit date for use 
> internally in the Pharo VM, it is necessary to add this information to the 
> package i.e. commit-info.
> This is my first package, so go easy on me. :)
> Cheers!
> <0001-Add-pharo-vm-package.patch>

My apologies.


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