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Re: [Groff] Add --with-doc configuration option

From: Werner LEMBERG
Subject: Re: [Groff] Add --with-doc configuration option
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 09:01:33 +0100 (CET)

> But the FSFology will not make me sign something that is not legal,
> which is admitted by even the FSFE itself [...]

Well, it would probably have no influence to the jurisdiction in
Germany, but it would have a value for the FSF in the US...

> Just in case you're interested in the thing itself: i don't need
> to see my name somewhere, i just want the functionality, and so
> i'm hereby placing the attached patch in the public domain if that
> is possible, therefore donating it to GNU Troff.

You are aware that US `public domain' doesn't exist in Germany, right?
To cite

  Nach deutschem und österreichischem Recht ist umstritten, ob ein
  Totalverzicht auf das Urheberrecht zugunsten der Allgemeinheit
  möglich ist.  Die wohl herrschende Meinung schließt dies unter
  Berufung auf § 29 UrhG-D bzw. § 19 UrhG-Ö aus.  Daher gibt es dort
  keine Gemeinfreiheit durch Rechteverzicht wie in den USA, wo auf
  alle Rechte verzichtet werden kann und das Public-Domain-Werk den
  gleichen Status besitzt wie ein noch nie oder nicht mehr geschütztes
  Werk.  [...]

Your `public domain' declaration is thus as good as signing the FSF
assignment. :-)

Maybe there is a solution to the problem.  To cite

  If a contributor is reluctant to sign a copyright assignment for a
  change, a copyright disclaimer to put the change in the public
  domain is acceptable as well.

I'll send you such a disclaimer form – maybe you can accept this.


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