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Re: Strangeness with speed

From: Gary E. Miller
Subject: Re: Strangeness with speed
Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2022 13:45:23 -0800

Yo Владимир!

On Thu, 17 Feb 2022 17:20:37 +0300
Владимир Калачихин <> wrote:

> In attachment - two NMEA files and two JSON outputs.

I'm ignoring your JSON, I have gpsd to compute my own.

> I don't see any differences between sentences1.nmea and
> sentences2.nmea, except time. Both were created from one real NMEA,
> but sentences1.nmea with changed time.

Well, time is imortant!

> If this is about time - what's wrong with times in senteces1.gpsd?

A lot, hard to know where to start:

$ gpsdecode -D 5 < /tmp/sentences1.nmea 

gpsdecode:IO: <= GPS: 
gpsdecode:PROG: NMEA0183: GPRMC starts a reporting cycle. lasttag 23
gpsdecode:PROG: NMEA0183: GPRMC ends a reporting cycle.
gpsdecode:IO: <= GPS: 
gpsdecode:PROG: NMEA0183: GPGGA starts a reporting cycle. lasttag 66
gpsdecode:PROG: NMEA0183: GPGGA ends a reporting cycle.
gpsdecode:IO: <= GPS: 
gpsdecode:PROG: NMEA0183: GPRMC starts a reporting cycle. lasttag 23
gpsdecode:PROG: NMEA0183: GPRMC ends a reporting cycle.
gpsdecode:IO: <= GPS: 
gpsdecode:PROG: NMEA0183: GPGGA starts a reporting cycle. lasttag 66


$GPGGA and $GMRMC do not have the same time.  So gpsd know that the $GPGGA
is in one epoch, and the $GPRMC is in the next epoch.

I'm gonna guess that there should be pairs of $GPGGA and $GPRMC.  The
flip-flopping confuses things.  Note that the 5.110Z epoch reports a
speed of 1.888 and the 5.310 epoch ($GPGGA) reports a speed of o.  Since the
lat/lon did not change between epochs, but the time changed, that is dP = 0
and dT = 0.200.  So, speed Dp/Dt, is 0/0.200, is zero.  

Then in the next epoch 5.510, the RMC reports a speed, and that is reported.

gpsd is doing exactly as it should.

Fix your NMEAA!

Gary E. Miller Rellim 109 NW Wilmington Ave., Suite E, Bend, OR 97703  Tel:+1 541 382 8588

            Veritas liberabit vos. -- Quid est veritas?
    "If you can't measure it, you can't improve it." - Lord Kelvin

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