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Re: Polish: Sub-Tasks assignment and payments negotiation

From: Davi Leal
Subject: Re: Polish: Sub-Tasks assignment and payments negotiation
Date: Wed, 17 Dec 2008 00:33:55 +0100
User-agent: KMail/1.9.9

Michal wrote:
> Davi Leal wrote:
> > How do you think we should share the tasks (files to translate) and
> > the $50 USD ?
> >
> > We could split it by number of 'msgid' to translate?
> >
> > Do you think it would be better if the translation is done by only
> > one person?
> How it ended?  I have only mails from Davi Leal.

Witek Adamus was who proposed to translate the webapp to Polish.
Read his email at [1].


So, I created a donation pledge group for the first translation phase.
Read my email at [2].


The translation is a lot of work! That is because IMHO we should share the 


    * I will take care of the iso files. I will not translate them but
      adapt their format to fit the GNU Herds project needs:


      I will not get any money. I am the donator.  I will help
      as I can, carrying out the format adjust and generating
      the English-to-empty templates if its is needed.

    * You could translate:

        part of messages.po
        and 10 or 20 msgids of the iso_*.po files.

      You could get ~ $25 USD.

    * Witek could translate the other part of the messages.po file.
      Witek could get ~ $25 USD.

What do you think?

You both, or just one, could choose collaborate without getting
money, and so the other one get the $50 USD ...

One of you could say:  I lost the interest! Forget me ...

This proposal is about both you and Witek could do the same quantity
of work, if both you want.  Else, I can just choose one of you to
realize the 'huge' task.

Let me know what you want.

We are experimenting with the system and it sure should be
improved.  Please let the mailing list know if you think
something should be modified, improved, etc.

Maybe something should be added to the FAQ?

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