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Re: [Gnu-arch-users] Arch mirroring to Microsoft FTP Service

From: Andy Tai
Subject: Re: [Gnu-arch-users] Arch mirroring to Microsoft FTP Service
Date: Sun, 18 Jun 2006 01:37:53 -0700

OK, by essentially requesting first the remote system type and then if we have a Windows machine treating it the same way as wu-ftp, and testing on an actual Windows FTP server, the Microsoft FTP support actually seems to work. 

This relies on the Windows machine replying to a SYST command with the string "Windows_NT".  This is, of course, no guarantee a reliable way of detecting Windows.  But for now it is the best we can do.

I did some simple import, get, commit, branch operations and all seemed to work.
Available with the latest snapshot

People with interests in Windows FTP support, please let me know if it works for you or not...

On 6/12/06, Thomas Lord < address@hidden> wrote:

wu-ftp (evidently from your report -- and as I vaguely recall
from when the code was written) requires the non-standard
(perhaps non-conforming, I'd have to check) "-a" argument
to NLST to include dot files in the output.   Alright, so Arch
treats that as a de facto separate FTP-like protocol.

A similar solution would enable Arch to work with MSFT
FTP assuming they hold their servers reasonable stable
in the relevant behaviors.

(The FTP RFC -- I forget the number -- is good reading, btw.)


Andy Tai, address@hidden
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