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[Gnu-arch-users] Re: Somestuff

From: Ulf Ochsenfahrt
Subject: [Gnu-arch-users] Re: Somestuff
Date: Tue, 19 Oct 2004 10:26:21 +0200


As a regular arch user I've been following the mailing list for the last
couple of days now and some points just sticked:

1. Someone said that not everyone uses the same coding and build
environment and I strongly agree. I did try emacs, but I just couldn't
get myself to like it ... at all.

2. I don't see how the file naming conventions are forced onto anyone
(except {arch}). Looking for a replacement for .cvsignore, I've stumpled
across .arch-inventory and except for the fact that the syntax is not
quiet that straightforward, I like it. I also sometimes use
,,directories and such. Having a common naming convention is a Good
Thing (tm), so you don't have to put every directory into
.arch-inventory. But then again, you could.
"Precious ^my-build-directory$" (or Junk, as you wish)

3. About {arch}. I agree that it would be a good idea to rename it and
have it start with a '.'. But other than that? (see 5)

4. A "tla export" would be great. I know it's possible, but having it
build-in would be awesome.

5. Tutorial. I agree that someone should work over the tutorial. For
example, creating a revision library should be the default second
action. I only created one when someone on this list mentioned that arch
doesn't need any pristines in the source tree anymore, which is nice,
  a) I also use find and 
  b) I can put the revision library somewhere else and 
  c) I don't actually need cachrev anymore (for my private projects)
     as it happens automagically.

I have a little time to work on the tutorial (just between the hours I
work for my phd). That is, if that is not Toms private pet.

All that said, kudos to Tom. Arch is really a _lot_ better than CVS and
I like the fact that I don't have to install a Berkeley DB :p.

-- Ulf

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