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[Gnu-arch-users] File naming conventions

From: Zenaan Harkness
Subject: [Gnu-arch-users] File naming conventions
Date: Mon, 18 Oct 2004 14:43:09 +1000

File naming conventions (or rather, breaking traditional conventions,
or, creating new conventions) is at least one "barrier to entry" factor
for potential new arch users.

To get a more objective conversation underway, can we analyze what
problems exist with arch's conventions, and the seriousness for each

Arch file naming conventions graded consternation table
(sorry, I can't think of a good title right now...):

(someone might be able to separate bash versions too)

0 = neutral, 1 = annoyance, 2 = potential trouble, 3 = serious

FILETYPE  bash  tcsh  csh  cygwin  mingw  w32_native  OSX
{files}    1     1     1     ?       ?        ?        ?
+files     1     1     1     ?       ?        ?        ?
=files     1     0     0     ?       ?        ?        ?
,files     0     3     2     ?       ?        ?        ?

The OSX, cygwin, mingw and w32_native should be considered (especially
cygwin and mingw) as "what problems separate from any shell-specific
issues are there" (hope that makes sense).

Whoever can fill in the blanks and fix the first guesses, please do so.


Can someone please fix the above numbers, since I am completely ignorant
here... especially on tcsh and csh.

The next question becomes: if we are to make changes, which changes.

I'm thinking serious problems should warrant a change, and at least from
the "barriers to entry" argument, it would behoove us to remove all such
barriers that can be.


{arch}/ -> .a/ (or .gnuarch or .gnu.arch or ...)
,files  -> ...files

others ???

I personally have come to like {arch} and ,files and think they're good.

I am willing to give up these for the greater good of gnu arch's
userbase/ user adoption.

I am willing to concede to the group's consensus.


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