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[Gnu-arch-users] TLA wiki/ documentation

From: Zenaan Harkness
Subject: [Gnu-arch-users] TLA wiki/ documentation
Date: Sat, 09 Oct 2004 09:09:21 +1000

In discussing the wiki, I've been suggesting that we're
close to needing a restructure, to organize the docs so
that the various user-level information is not disparate,
or rather has an inconsisten "click depth" to locate.

For the benefit of archiving these thoughts, I'm CCing the

Unified TOC examples:

* Recipies, Tutorial, FAQ, Arch for CVS Users and
Mini Howtos really should be _one single doc_.
(And probably a few others combined too.)

* Further down (on the existing wiki) we have things like
- using hooks
- cycling archives
- sealing and fixing
- signing archives

These are good because it is easy to find them - unlike for
example if I want to find out how to mirror archives, I
can't see without clicking into various subsections, whether
that is located in the tut, "ask arch questions", recipies,
or where...

So I guess what I'm suggesting is that the TOCs for the
Recipies, etc docs, should be expanded on the front page of
the wiki.

That expanded full TOC might be pretty long, so the whole
lot should probably be a single link "Docs" from the front

And now that I think about all this, it's probably not so
much work to do (as combining and editing the whole lot into
"The Arch Book" (Docbook or whatever) would be).

So I might tackle such a restructuring sooner than next year.

I'm assuming there's a way to see "wiki-wide" changes in the
last [day|week|month] so that whoever does this merge work
can easily find out if wiki additions were made while they
were merging, before blowing away the old for the new


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