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Userreport Gnokii 0.5.7

From: Torsten Kunkel
Subject: Userreport Gnokii 0.5.7
Date: Thu, 25 Dec 2003 02:03:49 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.4i

Hi there,

today I downloaded gnokii 0.5.7 and noticed some bugs and got some
questions, so I decided to write this mail, would be great if you
could help me :)

My data:
* gnokii-0.5.7 debian-cimpiled
* nokia 6210
* nokia-cable connected to /dev/ttyS1

And here my questions/reports:

a) There is a type in Docs/ringtones.txt:
"This is so-called RTTL" hasn't it to be callt RTTTL?

b) Why isn't it possible to export and import the same setting?

torstenpc:~# gnokii --getphonebook SM 1 20 -v > handy
GNOKII Version 0.5.7
Empty memory location. Skipping.
Empty memory location. Skipping.
Empty memory location. Skipping.
Empty memory location. Skipping.
Empty memory location. Skipping.
Empty memory location. Skipping.
torstenpc:~# gnokii --writephonebook -v < handy
GNOKII Version 0.5.7
Error (The given memory location is invalid.)

I think i'm running something wrong, but i don't get behind that it is

c) When running from the console gnokii seems to run really really
slow, for example --playringtone keeps about 1-2min until the ringtone
starts. After this it takes the same time again to play the same
ringtone again. The same when reading the phonebook, first waiting and
then the transfer runs fast.
When using xgnokii everything runs "at once".



(^-^\__/^-^)     Stell dir doch mal Babylon 5 ohne Mollari vor,
 ~~~~oo~~~~         da wäre doch nichts los. Nicht ein Krieg!
    (..)                 (ein Spruch beim Reden über B5)

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