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Re: Userreport Gnokii 0.5.7

From: Pawel Kot
Subject: Re: Userreport Gnokii 0.5.7
Date: Thu, 25 Dec 2003 23:51:44 +0100 (CET)

On Thu, 25 Dec 2003, Torsten Kunkel wrote:

> today I downloaded gnokii 0.5.7 and noticed some bugs and got some
> questions, so I decided to write this mail, would be great if you
> could help me :)
> My data:
> * gnokii-0.5.7 debian-cimpiled
> * nokia 6210
> * nokia-cable connected to /dev/ttyS1

DLR3P? What setting for the port in the config?

> And here my questions/reports:
> a) There is a type in Docs/ringtones.txt:
> "This is so-called RTTL" hasn't it to be callt RTTTL?

Yeah, probably a typo. I'll fix this.

> b) Why isn't it possible to export and import the same setting?
> torstenpc:~# gnokii --getphonebook SM 1 20 -v > handy
> GNOKII Version 0.5.7
> Empty memory location. Skipping.
> Empty memory location. Skipping.
> Empty memory location. Skipping.
> Empty memory location. Skipping.
> Empty memory location. Skipping.
> Empty memory location. Skipping.
> torstenpc:~# gnokii --writephonebook -v < handy
> GNOKII Version 0.5.7
> Error (The given memory location is invalid.)
> I think i'm running something wrong, but i don't get behind that it is
> :/

I'll check this out.

> c) When running from the console gnokii seems to run really really
> slow, for example --playringtone keeps about 1-2min until the ringtone
> starts. After this it takes the same time again to play the same
> ringtone again. The same when reading the phonebook, first waiting and
> then the transfer runs fast.

This is probably question for Bozo, but I'll try and check this as well,
but probably on Saturday.

> When using xgnokii everything runs "at once".
> Greetings

Thanks a lot for the report!

PS. Please note that current CVS is still not on savannah.
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