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Re: FYI: 6210 and 6160 support

From: Marcin Wiacek
Subject: Re: FYI: 6210 and 6160 support
Date: Sun, 26 May 2002 21:19:17 +0200

> <spam class="unwanted">
> </spam>
> <!-- use your own list or learn to be pkot's bitch -->

I will not name, especially last thing.

I will only comment, because Dave is maybe "fresh" gnokii user and
doesn't know story.

Long time ago (three years) gnokii was one and there were many
interesting things discussed here. Two years ago I wanted to give my
time extend it (maybe very stupid from my side) and prepared many
valuable extension. Finally it wasn't interesting for gnokii developers
to include it from this or other reasons.

I created mygnokii. It had first end 6110 module, first 7110 working
module. I gave my time and help many times.

After long, long time of silence gnokii developers started to "make"
0.4.0. It looks this way, that after two years they couldn't move all
6110/7110 mygnokii things from this or other reasons (yes: many parts of
source in gnokii are created from my solutions). Many times gnokii users
seen "rewriting". I showed many times weak sides of it but as it wasn't
interesting for anyone and it isn't still. The same it isn't interesting
for gnokii developers to update protocols descriptions (I remind: I
created them in big part) and they're different from mine and the same
it isn't interesting to update my docs in gnokii (they're from may

Now situation looks this way, that I gave people working mygnokii. It's
working and everyone can use it with DCT3 phone. I make now mygnokii2,
which is specially designed for gsm phones needs. And will be better for

IMHO, it's the best way, that I can share my knowledge with gnokii users
and other people. Maybe I should take big money for my work or brake
license and publish only binaries ? How do you think ?

Especially in situation, when nodoby want to see interesting fact: very
long waiting for 0.4.0 will be obsolete and not usefull in many things
(I can give many, many disadvantages of pre20). Many parts of it will be
"dirty" and will use "hacks".

Of course, maybe I'm ill, because I like (sometimes) "free" projects and
want to help in their extending, but this is, how it looks like from my

And Dave, IMHO, everyone want to have 100% working soft, not infinitely
beta version... If gnokii developers don't want to cooperate (in means,
creating one the best software) and didn't want to create good software
during two years, maybe my posts in current form will make, that first
"free" GSM software will have at least the most simple functionality and
some the most annoying bugs removed...

Gnokii is now the most known and this is not private source for few
people. They should see it. Because in fact GSM phone support is easy.
Mygnokii2 was started in April and now (end of May - 2 months) is almost
end for DCT3 phones.

Pozdrowienia/Best Regards
Marcin Wiacek (mailto:address@hidden,,

mygnokii mirrors (,,

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