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Re: [Gnash] Gnash speed and free software

From: Nicolas Cannasse
Subject: Re: [Gnash] Gnash speed and free software
Date: Sat, 01 Jul 2006 10:58:03 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20060516)


I tried Gnash and it's good to have such a nice tool.

One cons: as it was already reported, it is really slow. I read that
it is recommended to get a 3D card to cope with that.

However these days, all the 3D cards out there require proprietary
drivers to be useful in this regard.

What would you recommend to get a usable Gnash on a completely free OS?

If 3d acceleration isn't an option, perhaps some serious assembler word could
do it... As i understand it, that's how macromedia does it.



Doing some benchs at rendering SWF, I found that AGG ( perform better than Flash, and it's written in portable C++ code.


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