Perhaps I should mention that in this day and age,
visibility alone is very important.
Anybody who doesn't publish their Modula-2 sources on a
platform like Bitbucket, Google Code and Github does Modula-2
a disservice.
A language that doesn't have a visible share on these
platforms, is for all practical purposes a dead language. We
live in the era of big data. There are researchers who use
these repositories and the projects they find on them for
statistical analysis to produce and publish research papers.
There are companies who build businesses based on the data
they collect about who uses what and they too harvest data
from these platforms.
In other words, if your code is not published on any of the
major source code repository platforms, then it doesn't exist.
If Modula-2 doesn't show up on any of the major source code
repository platforms, then Modula-2 does not exist. Like it or
not, this is the world we live in now.
So get off your butts and publish your code where people
can see it.