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Re: [Gm2] How do I use the git repository to build?

From: Gaius Mulley
Subject: Re: [Gm2] How do I use the git repository to build?
Date: Wed, 11 Dec 2013 10:42:52 +0000
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/23.4 (gnu/linux)

john o goyo <address@hidden> writes:

> On 12/08/13 08:15, Gaius Mulley wrote (in part):
> [...]
>> There after the git-repository/gm2/gcc-versionno/configure can be
>> configured (note this comes from the vanilla gcc and is not part of
>> gm2).
> I do not understand this.  Why run a copy of configure from that
> directory and not the one in the gcc directory?

Hi John,

the git-repository/gm2/gcc-versionno/configure will be the top level
configure in the gcc-4.7.3 tree.  There are configure scripts at various
other directories of course but they are configured during the build
process itself.

I've updated the file:  git-repository/gm2/README to include an ascii
diagram of the tree summary, included here to hopefully show the
relationship between gm2 git tree and gcc tree structure.

Git Source Tree Layout

Here is a diagram summarising the layout of this source tree

            /         |             \         \
           /          |              \         \
[gm2-harness]   [gcc-versionno]   README   combine-trees
   |                  |
   |                  |
  "etc"             [gcc]--------------+
                      |                 \
                      |                  \
                    [gm2]             [testsuite]
                     /  \                  \
                    /    \                  \
  "etc"    [gm2-libs]    [gm2-compiler]    [gm2]

This tree should be overlaid on top of a gcc source tree which in
summary looks like this:

               /      |       \
              /       |        \
     [fortran]    [c-family]    [testsuite]-------+
                                 \                 \
                                  \                 \
                                  [c-c++-common]    [lib]

To produce a tree looking like this:

             /         |             \         \
            /          |              \         \
 [gm2-harness]   [gcc-versionno]   README   combine-trees
    |                  |
    |                  |
  "etc"   +--------+-[gcc]--------------+
         /        /    |                 \
        /        /     |                  \
[fortran] [c-family] [gm2]             [testsuite]--+-----------+
                      / \                  |        |           |
                     /   \                 |        |           |
  "etc"    [gm2-libs]     [gm2-compiler] [gm2] [c-c++-common] [lib]


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