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[glob2-devel] work not yet merged to main

From: Leo Wandersleb
Subject: [glob2-devel] work not yet merged to main
Date: Mon, 29 Mar 2010 01:51:23 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20100317)

Hi all,

I just noticed that I must somehow have lost track of what's going on in glob2's

The forks I know of:
$ cat knownforks.txt
(+ fede has a second fork that is privat)

doing a "hg incoming" on all of those gave me a total of 22 changesets [1] that
are not yet in main. Not caring about that in a timely manner means loosing
those changesets as it's getting harder to pull and merge the later we do it.

To ease the maintenance all developers should keep their stuff in a merged state
when requesting it being pulled to main as it should not be the maintainers task
to merge your code that you know best.
Please request the pull on this list. There are several people with write access
to main. pulling changes also means reviewing them and helping with merges if


Leo Wandersleb

[1] With aboves knownforks.txt and this one-liner you can toy around yourself:
$ for i in $( cat knownforks.txt ) ; do t=$( hg incoming $i | grep summary ); if
[ ! "$t" ==  "" ] ; then echo $i": "$t; fi; done
 summary: Threads now have a return value you can poll to get the result of
 summary: Branch
 summary: Added test target to scons
 summary: Converted PerlinNoise Test from MiniCpp to Boost::Test
 summary: Added preliminary libusl testing, confirmed return value is not
garbage collected
 summary: Added more testing framework
 summary: Fixed Spelling error in usl.cpp, disabled a (as of now) useless test
in UslSuite, added a OrderOfOperations test in UslSuite, and added a preliminary
Usl Interpreter.
 summary: Cleaned up a few TODO messages
 summary: Changed order of checks in SConstruct to make it clear what the server
needs and doesn't need.
 summary: Cleaned up SConstruct some more, server only uses required libraries.
 summary: Modified MapThumbnail to not use graphics related code in server mode,
and brought down the number of compile errors to a record low.
 summary: Through a few dirty hacks removed a dependency on WinningCondition, I
dont know if it will let the binary run correctly, but it lets the code compile.
 summary: Started to make a thumbnailer that will read a map without adding
hundreds of dependencies (All we want to know about are resources).
 summary: It builds! All that's left is to implement YOGMap::load and a headless
server will be possible.
 summary: YOGMap::load is not implemented.
 summary: added sorting by players in yog download maps
 summary: merged in beta5-rc
 summary: Working on icon near to map names in YOGClientDownloadScreen. It works
by adding player numbers in the mapname string. Since this string is used in
much code i reverted the maplist as just being a vector of map names, and addedd
a second string vector which contains playernumber+mapname at every string.
About GuiList: since this list is used for various code, added a sentinel bool
isIcon to perform correct checks. summary: added mapplayernumber icons (by
WinterDryad) in data/gfx/
 summary: updated arabic translation
 summary: Updated Arabic translation
 summary: Applied 4135:de77718b4fe0 changeset "Resurected edition of SGSL 
 summary: Returned alliance button disabling through scripts.

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diesem Schlüssel tun:

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