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Re: This is how to intercept GETINFO and why it should be in FreeType

From: Werner LEMBERG
Subject: Re: This is how to intercept GETINFO and why it should be in FreeType
Date: Wed, 26 Aug 2020 08:15:54 +0200 (CEST)

Hello Piotr,

> The way to do it is to first go to ttinterp.c , then at the start of
> the file declare two variables:
>   char FT_injectedGETINFOhack = 0;
>   FT_Long FT_injectedGETINFOhackvalue;

this is an interesting idea, thanks.

> First of all, a commercial font is rendered like this when GETINFO is
> not intercepted:
> Size 18ppem and up is where it gets very controversial in
> rendering. In this case what default v38 FreeType does is end up
> with fractional horizontal stems.  Using Visual TrueType reveals
> that the font only does that when fractional widths are used in
> ClearType.  However it is very worrying that this is default
> FreeType behavior, and no FT_RENDER_MODE_XXX is documented to use an
> integer width version of subpixel hinting.

I don't fully understand what you are saying.  Please elaborate.  Is
there a documentation bug in FreeType?

> What happens with the intercepted GETINFO? In the following image I
> use the following settings:
>   FT_injectedGETINFOhack = 1;
>   FT_injectedGETINFOhackvalue = 0x00006C00;
> . Suddenly the problems with
> fractional horizontal stems disappear.  This will in fact allow the
> FreeType user to use a custom GETINFO value, and GETINFO (what fonts
> see how the renderer is like) becomes detached from the FreeType
> render mode (what the renderer is actually like), allowing for
> personalized renderer settings.

Please file this report in the bug tracker as a wishlist issue so that
it doesn't get forgotten.


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