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Odp: Re: This is how to intercept GETINFO and why it should be in FreeTy

From: piotrunio-2004
Subject: Odp: Re: This is how to intercept GETINFO and why it should be in FreeType
Date: Fri, 28 Aug 2020 21:33:57 +0200
User-agent: GWP-Draft

Why are your replies typed in HTML when you see replies in plaintext text?
Did you notice the error in the contributed code? See for yourself in the attached plaintext reply. (Microsoft line format, UTF-16, little endian)

Hello Piotr,

The way to do it is to first go to ttinterp.c , then at the start of
the file declare two variables:

 char FT_injectedGETINFOhack = 0;
 FT_Long FT_injectedGETINFOhackvalue;

this is an interesting idea, thanks.

First of all, a commercial font is rendered like this when GETINFO is
not intercepted:

Size 18ppem and up is where it gets very controversial in
rendering. In this case what default v38 FreeType does is end up
with fractional horizontal stems.  Using Visual TrueType reveals
that the font only does that when fractional widths are used in
ClearType.  However it is very worrying that this is default
FreeType behavior, and no FT_RENDER_MODE_XXX is documented to use an
integer width version of subpixel hinting.

I don't fully understand what you are saying.  Please elaborate.  Is
there a documentation bug in FreeType?

What happens with the intercepted GETINFO? In the following image I
use the following settings:

 FT_injectedGETINFOhack = 1;
 FT_injectedGETINFOhackvalue = 0x00006C00; . Suddenly the problems with
fractional horizontal stems disappear.  This will in fact allow the
FreeType user to use a custom GETINFO value, and GETINFO (what fonts
see how the renderer is like) becomes detached from the FreeType
render mode (what the renderer is actually like), allowing for
personalized renderer settings.

Please file this report in the bug tracker as a wishlist issue so that
it doesn't get forgotten.


Attachment: GETINFO2.txt
Description: Text document

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