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Re: [ft-devel] [freetype2] hooks-via-module-property d94f52b: Use `FT_Pr

From: Moazin Khatri
Subject: Re: [ft-devel] [freetype2] hooks-via-module-property d94f52b: Use `FT_Property_Set' to set the hooks. One less API function.
Date: Fri, 23 Aug 2019 12:28:32 +0500

(5) `make devel' followed by `make' fails.

The devel build works now. But since `devel/ftoption.h' doesn't have the SVG
flags, OT-SVG glyphs won't be enabled. It seems like we have a choice here.

For a devel build, we can either enable just the OT-SVG feature without the
default library or we can assume that librsvg's latest in-development version
is installed and use `pkg-config'.  In simple words, do we want `with-svg=yes'
or `with-svg=no-default' for a devel build. :D

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