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RE: [Devel] Freetype 2.1.2 & rotated text - no change necessary from Fre

From: Graham Asher
Subject: RE: [Devel] Freetype 2.1.2 & rotated text - no change necessary from FreeType 2.1.0
Date: Thu, 27 Jun 2002 09:30:04 +0100


as far as I can see the transformation problem is notational. Using the
PostScript convention (see p. 187 of the PostScript Language Reference
Manual, 3rd Ed.) we have 6 coefficients - the variable members of a 3 x 3

A B 0
C D 0
X Y 1

and the formula for applying a transformation is

x' = Ax + Cy + X
y' = Bx + Dy + Y

It seems that FreeType has borrowed the xx, yx, xy, yy notation from Donald
Knuth's METAFONT (see p. 142 of The METAFONTbook), which uses the notation,
given here in matrix form

X Y 1

and states that the formula is

x' = X + x * XX + y * XY
y' = Y + x * YX + y * YY

In PostScript these values are stored in the order A B C D X Y, but in
FreeType we have:

xx = A
yx = B
xy = C
yy = D,

so we are storing them in the order A C B D. Hence the confusion.

BUT - this is PURELY a notational question. FT_Matrix is not buggy, and
neither is FT_Vector_Transform. So please don't change them. To change them
would screw up the notation and destroy the correspondence of the names of
the members of FT_Matrix with the coefficients defined by METAFONT and
probably elsewhere.

Best regards,


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