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[Devel] Re: strange cmap syntax

From: Ken Lunde
Subject: [Devel] Re: strange cmap syntax
Date: Tue, 18 Jun 2002 13:57:11 -0700


Acrobat ships with many CMap-like files. That is, they look like CMap files, and even use CMap file syntax. They are not, however, CMap files. This particular one maps 90pv-RKSJ-H code points (Shift-JIS) to Unicode. In the third column, each four hex digits represent a Unicode code point. Thus 90pv-RKSJ-H 0x8591 maps to U+0030 plus U+002E.

-- Ken

On 2002.06.18, at 02:30, Werner LEMBERG wrote:


in the file 90pv-RKSJ-UCS2, there is a strange syntax used for

  15 beginbfrange
  <8591>  <8591>  <0030002e>
  <85ab>  <85ab>  <0058004900490049>
  <85ac>  <85ac>  <005800490056>
  <85ad>  <85ad>  <00580056>
  <85bf>  <85bf>  <0078006900690069>
  <85c0>  <85c0>  <007800690076>
  <85c1>  <85c1>  <00780076>
  <865d>  <865d>  <00540042>
  <869e>  <869e>  <004600410058>
  <86ce>  <86ce>  <21932191>
  <8791>  <8791>  <592720dd>
  <8792>  <8792>  <5c0f20dd>
  <879d>  <879d>  <63a720dd>
  <87fb>  <87fb>  <670996504f1a793e>
  <87fc>  <87fc>  <8ca156e36cd54eba>

While it is quite straightforward to understand what it means (using
<XXXXYYYY....> as the third argument, I couldn't find this syntax form
in any of Adobe's technotes.

Can you provide more information?


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